Member for The Entrance, David Mehan, together with residents of Peach Orchard Road are calling on the Minister for Regional Roads and Transport to do his job and direct his staff to undertake a proper speed review of Peach Orchard Road, Fountaindale.
Residents of Peach Orchard Road have been asking for the speed limit on the road be reduced from 60km/h to 50km/hr consistent with other suburban locations across NSW.
Despite the conduct of speed reviews on all state roads, including Council roads, being a Transport for NSW (TfNSW) matter, the Ministers latest response buck passes the matter to Council saying: “As Peach Orchard Road is under the care and control of Central Coast Council, all concerns regarding wildlife protection, speeding and pedestrian safety are matters for Council to consider.”
Mr Mehan was critical of the previous speed review undertaken by TfNSW saying:
“Transport staff need to get out of their Tuggerah Office and drive along the roadway. If they did, instead of determining these things from their desk, they would see that there is no way a vehicle can safety travel Peach Orchard Road at 60km/hr.”
Mr Mehan has now asked Council to list the matter on the agenda of the Local Traffic Committee for further consideration.